Täpselt neli aastat tagasi kuu arvustuse tiitlit edasi andes nimetasin muuhulgas ära arvustuse sellele jutule, mainides, et kui ma teksti enese kätte saan, panen sellele tõenäoliselt hea hinde.
Palun andestust.
Tol hetkel piirdus minu Sterlingi-kogemus tema kogumikuga “Skismaatriks+”. Ma ei oska asja lähemalt uurimata öelda, kas varasem Sterling oli parem või suutis tõlkija tema abituse ära varjata, aga igatahes oli “Maneki Neko” äärmiselt ebameeldiv üllatus.
Tsuyoshi booted his mediator, cleaned his superconducting heads and examined the old tapes. Home videos from the 1980s. Someone’s grandmother as a child, presumably. There had been a lot of flaking and loss of polarity in the old recording medium.
Tsuyoshi got to work with his desktop fractal detail generator, the image stabilizer, and the interlace algorithms. When he was done, Tsuyoshi’s new digital copies would look much sharper, cleaner, and better composed than the original primitive videotape.
Tsuyoshi and his wife had a lunch of ramen with naruto, and she left to go shopping. A shipment arrived by overseas package service. Cute baby clothes from Darwin, Australia. They were in his wife’s favorite color, sunshine yellow.
Tsuyoshi finished transferring the first tape to a new crystal disk. Time for a break. He left his apartment, took the elevator and went out to the corner coffeeshop. He ordered a double iced mocha cappuccino and paid with a chargecard.
His pokkecon rang. Tsuyoshi took it from his belt and answered it.
Tsiteeritud lõigud jätsid mulle niivõrd sügava mulje, et olin sunnitud lugemise katkestama ja need tulevase arvustuse seemneks eraldi faili kopeerima. Jutu sisu on tollest neetud päevast möödunud (jällegi, täpselt) 23 kuu jooksul suuremalt jaolt ununenud, aga ma mäletan hästi muljet, et BAASi-arvustused oleks justkui hoopis teisele loole. Lõpetuseks pean pahandama, et ka Lewis Shineriga kahasse kirjutatud “Mozart in Mirrorshades” kaotas pärast “Maneki Nekot” suure osa oma võlust, sest Sterlingi panus on ülelugemisel ikka väga valusalt ilmne.